Saturday, May 15, 2010

Review: Action Comics #11

Adventure Comics #11/514
The Epilogue is the Future
Written by Sterling Gates
Pencils by Travis Moore
Inks by Julio Ferreira
and Colors by Pete Pantazis

This is really an important issue, in three different ways. Not only does it deal with Brainiac and Querl, but also with R.J. Brande's Last Will and Testament but most importantly, the conclusion of current Mon-El story. To tell the truth I am happy that it is finally coming to a end. This current Mon-El retelling has been kind of screwy for me because he is in the past and it was a prolong for his future. Doesn't make sense when I write it down.

I'm glad that finally he is the Mon-El that I know.

But anyway, the comic starts out on a barren world where the the Legionaries in the past are placing a bottled city. According to Cham, R.J. Brade told him that this city would be very important to him so he takes his time with it. As the city enlarges we see that it is a city full of Durlans. This is new Durla!

Chamelon goes to talk to one of them but Projectora reminds him that Brande's will told them not to talk to anyone. Then again, I don't blame him for wanting to talk to them. According to Brainiac Five's journal entree Cham's people are nomadic and live in tribes around the universe. Brainiac captured one of the lost tribes called the Kel'Par. One of the Durlans was a relative of Cham, and would one day help Ren Daggle come into being.

Ren Daggle would then become R.J. Brande and help father both Cham and the Legion of Superheroes. Yay! Brainiac is such a force of mind that he had everything planned ahead of time.

Then we switch gears to Brainiac 5, who is traveling with the bond Brainiac behind him to Colu. He wakes up Brainiac to ask him a question but Brainaic doesn't give up his knowledge quite so willingly. He knows who Brainiac Five is, having heard Supergirl call him that and of course he wants to know what is inside his head. Before he can get to far Brainiac tells him that he is heading to Colu and get him placed in a thought shell that will make sure he will never think again. Interesting. I would like to learn more about Colu as a society just so I can know how they work and where exactly they came from. But anyway...

Brainiac breaks free from his bonds and attacks B5, telling him that he will reach into his mind and take his knowledge of the future. Of course Brainiac Five uses his force field to push him back, telling him that he has spent his life trying to make up for his evil. Brainiac though views him as stupid and inferior, and tells him that if he gives him the secrets of the time stream he would let him live. But Brainiac Five is not alone. With a blast of energy, Brainiac falls and we get to see B5's savior is none other than Virl Dox!

Helping Brainiac Five up, he explains that he had to make sure he really was his descendant from the future. Of course he asks why Brainac Five doesn't go for the money himself. So Brainy lies and they part ways. For only a page of interaction I loved it anyway. We might get more later. Oh do I hope.

As Brainiac is put away, and the Durlan's talk, Brainiac Five makes a revelation of his own. You can never ask enough about your ancestors, can never know why they did what they did. But his questions didn't matter to his future. He stopped Brainiac from destroying the future, and saved countless lives. We can't control the mistakes your family makes, even those who travel through time see it for what it is. Just keep moving forward and try to insure the future is the best you can make it.

Very good Brainiac Five. And the Legion is glad to see you back!

The last part of the book is about Mon-El, and R.J. Brande. Cham is hearing R.J. Brande's Last instructions to him, and how proud he is of him. He has to do one last thing for Brande before he can return to the future, but he had to wait for Mon-El.

Mon-El himself is rebuilding many worlds. Rimbor, Cargg, Xanthu, Bismoll, Imsk, Phlon, Zoon, along with Titan. He is really busy. Those are really important worlds for the Legion because of the people who come from those worlds. Ultra Boy, Triplicate Girl, Star Man, Matter Eater Lad, Shrinking Violet, Timber Wolf... but most importantly for me anyway Chemical King! Nice to see him on a page again.

Then we cut to Mon-El smacking down with Jemm, lord of Saturn. Its funny how Jemm thinks that Mon-El is a Kryptonian instead of a Daxam but my guess is that he hasn't encountered very many Daxaims. Mon wants to restore the Lanothians back to full size but Jemm doesn't want it until they speak to him. They tell him that they need this, and they are willing to call themselves Titanians and bow down to his power in order to call Titan home. And finally he agrees. So Titan now exist.

Back on Earth, he meets Jimmy and he can tell that the poor guy is really sick. He doesn't have much time left on Earth. The illness his progressing rapidly. I do like he manages to rescue the female Daxam from the ape man. She reminds me a lot of Laural Gand, but she is in present time so... you know can't be her. Oh well. He gives her his ship to go back to the stars and he is ready to die.

Cham appears out of no where and tells him that he has more life to live. Mon-El says that he is ready to die, that he would rather not go back to the Phantom Zone again. He hates that place. Can't really blame him. Giving a letter to Superboy to give to Billi Harper, he decides that he will go. In a really nicely drawn scene we see him floating around in the zone until finally a hand reaches out and he is brought to the future by Superboy. So yay, everything goes full circle.


The art is stellar, well drawn and colored. Just amazing. The whole issue was really well done so I have to give this comic 4 and a half stars out of five!

Read it.

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